Status Messages of the TSE
In the menu bar of Lodgit Desk you will see a TSE button, which can be displayed in three different colours depending on its status: red, yellow and grey.
In addition, various TSE messages are displayed in the title bar. By clicking on the TSE button in the menu bar, you will receive further information and instructions:

The interface is deactivated or the TSE is not yet initialised
Message in window title (TSE status) | Message when clicking the TSE button | Explanation | Procedure |
License expired | Message: The license to use the additional module “Cash Register Security (DE: KassenSichV, AT: RKSV)” has expired You can extend the license via our storeOptions: To the store – Opens the browser and shows the Lodgit online store. | You do not have a valid license for the “TSE Kassensich” add-on module. | Go to the Lodgit online store to purchase a valid license. |
Interface deactivated | Notification: Using a TSE to fiscalize invoices and receipts. In Lodgit Desk there is the possibility to record cash payment transactions. Therefore, the use of a certified technical security device (TSE) is mandatory for Germany. Options: Go to the setup wizard – Open the “TSE Wizard” window Settings – Open the settings > “KassenSichV TSE” section | The interface has been disabled in the settings. | Click on the TSE button. A window opens through which you can go directly to the settings in Lodgit Desk to activate the interface. |
TSE not available | There is no TSE present. | You must purchase a valid license and a TSE device for the “Kassensicherung” add-on module. You can find out how to connect the TSE here and activate here. | |
Not initialised | The existing TSE has not yet been initialised. | You must initialise the TSE according to the setup instructions. |
Everything OK. Invoices and receipts can be fiscalized
Everything OK. Booking-related order data is currently being sent to the TSE
An error occurred while working with the TSE
Message in window title (TSE status) | Message when clicking the TSE button | Meaning | Procedure |
TSE connection data incomplete No point of sale ID No device ID No security key | Repeat of the Window title | The interface is active, but important connection data is missing | Open the Lodgit Desk settings. Go to the menu item “KassenSichV TSE”. Deactivate the interface, if not already done. Enter the missing data. Activate the interface. |
Connection to the TSE failed | Message: Connection to TSE not possible The device (DEVICE ID) with the address “IP:PORT” cannot be reached or does not respond. Either the connection data is incorrect or the TSE has not yet completed its startup process.Option: Retry – The connection test is performed again. Transaction data will not be sent again. | Either the IP address and/or port are incorrect or the TSE is currently unreachable | Please wait until the TSE is completely started and click on the TSE button to have the status checked again. If the IP address and/or port data is incorrect, you can correct it in the settings under the “KassenSichV TSE” item. |
Incomplete login information | Login window | The User PIN has not been entered after activating the interface or starting Lodgit Desk. | Click on the TSE button and enter the User PIN. |
Login data incorrect | Login window | The specified user PIN is incorrect | Click on the TSE button and enter the correct User PIN. |
Login data not yet validated | Repeat of the Window title | Please wait until the login data has been verified. | |
Self test is performed | Repeat of the Window title | The TSE self-test required by the TSE is in progress | Please wait until the self-test has been performed. |
User PIN locked | Message: The User PIN is locked. The User PIN has been entered incorrectly at least 3 times and is now locked. You can unlock the User PIN in the “TSE Management” window.Option: TSE Administration – Opens the “TSE Administration” window, “Unlock PIN > User PIN forgotten?” section. | The user PIN was blocked after 3 incorrect entries by the TSE. | Unlock the User PIN using the PUK. |
Point of sale ID not registered on the TSE | Message: Point of sale ID not registered The chosen point of sale ID “SALE ID” is not registered on the TSE. You can either: – Change the point of sales ID in the settings to a valid value. – Register the point of sale ID stored in the settings on the TSE.Option: TSE Administration – Opens the “TSE Administration” window, section “Admin functions > Register this point of sale”. Settings – Opens the settings. CashSichV TSE” section | The point of sale ID entered in the database does not exist on the TSE | Register the outlet ID on the TSE or correct the outlet ID in the settings to a valid value. You can find out the outlets available on the TSE via the TSE administration. |
TSE Error (Not Authorised) | Message: TSE error “TSE1_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORISED”. The TSE error “TSE1_ERROR_NOT_AUTHORISED” is an internal error in the TSE itself. Further information about this error and how to proceed is described in our documentation.Option: Lodgit Desk Help – Opens the browser and loads Lodgit online help. | This is an internal error on the TSE itself | Proceed according to the instructions. |
Please wait! The TSE is not yet available. | Message: The status of the security module is “UNKNOWN”. Please wait! The TSE is not yet available. Please be patient and restart the verification in a few minutes. It is also possible that the TSE requires a self-test.Option: Retry – The connection test is performed again. Transaction data will not be sent again. TSE Administration – Opens the “TSE Administration” window, section “Functions without login > Perform TSE self-test”. | The TSE has not started yet or the TSE needs a self-test | Please wait until the TSE is fully started and click on the TSE button to have the status checked again.It is also possible that the TSE requires a self-test. |
Please wait! The TSE is not yet available. | Message: The status of the safety module is “EMPTY”. Please wait! The TSE is not yet available. Please be patient and restart the check in a few minutes.Option: Retry – The connection test is performed again. Transaction data will not be sent again. | The TSE has not started yet | Please wait until the TSE is fully started and click on the TSE button to have the status checked again. |
The TSE is blocked by another process | Message: The TSE is blocked by another process The device (DEVICE ID) with the address “IP:PORT” is currently blocked by another process. Please wait until the other process has finished working with the TSE and then try again.Option: Retry – The connection test is performed again. Transaction data will not be sent again. | The TSE is blocked by another process | Please wait until the other process has finished working with the TSE and then try again. |
Out of service | Repeat of the Window title | The TSE is no longer suitable for further use. | Please replace with a new one. |
Error | Repeat of the Window title | Other error |